anonymous services and tools

operating system:


before anything: DO NOT USE THE SNAP STORE/FLATPAK TO INSTALL PACKAGES. especially the Snap Store:

flatpak is not as worse as the snap store, but still a big pile of shit.

try prioritizing actual APT packages, .deb files or even AppImages over snaps and flatpaks. if software is only available on those two, it's probably shit.

for all of you Ubuntu users, here's a guide on how to annihilate snap entirely from your system.

here's a list of good linux distros (with or without systemd):

internet browser:

privacy browser addons:

other privacy addons not listed here (AdBlock, Privacy Badger, Ghostery, LibreJS...) are either bad or useless and shouldn't be used.

search engine:
use SearXNG. SearXNG is a frontend for many search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, etc. you can either use public instances, or host your own.

password manager:
there's only one good answer to this question, and it is KeePassXC. basically it's KeePass but better, gets audits regularly, with browser integration and it doesn't leak your passwords in clear in systemd's journalctl. for Android, use KeePassDX, it's compatible with KeePassXC databases. ALL ONLINE PASSWORD MANAGERS ARE ABSOLUTE TRASH. if your passwords aren't stored on YOUR hard drive, then they aren't yours. don't use your browser integrated password manager, it's not secure enough.

remember that VPNs do not provide anonymity like Tor or I2P would. but they're recommended if you torrent stuff like movies on public trackers.
if you really want a good "anonymous" VPN, buy a VPS and setup WireGuard (better and faster than OpenVPN) on it. you can buy a VPS for 5 bucks a month on Hetzner, or if you want a privacy-respecting server provider: NiceVPS or Privex. the only good public solutions are Mullvad and AirVPN. IVPN used to be great, until they removed port forwarding. if you download or seed torrents from public trackers, activating your VPN killswitch is obligatory, because in the case the VPN tunnel fails, it will instantly disconnect your internet (and remove you from the swarm) thus making sure your actual IP doesn't appear clearly for a few seconds.

email service:
emails aren't recommended for privacy, but if you need one: host it yourself. there is no good (free or paid) public/private email service. not even "privacy-oriented" ones like riseup, disroot,, etc. remember that this isn't easy and can be a mess to troubleshoot. buy a vps using the links above, and setup a mail server using whatever good solution you find. always use strong end-to-end encryption.

email client:
if you want a GUI, use Claws Mail, otherwise use Neomutt. they are the only good choices as they are the only two mail clients that weren't vulnerable to the EFAIL vulnerability (see this paper). Thunderbird is still good, but you'll need to disable all telemetry. for Android, use K9-Mail (if you're using an encrypted mailbox, you'll also need OpenKeychain).

code editors: